Mariusz S. Ziółkowski, Mieczysław F. Pazdur †, Andrzej Krzanowski, Adam Michczyński

Page 548 of 584 Results 5471 - 5480 of 5834

 Sample ID  Sitename  Country  Material  Age BP
AA-56788 Galindo Peru charcoal
ISGS-5512 Porvenir Peru Mixed Plant Fibers
BONN-1961 Quebrada de la Vaca Peru charcoal
Hv-1520 Vicus Peru unknown
IRPA-621 Peru wood bamboo from weavingloom
O-1689 Cerro Max Uhle Peru textile carbonized cotton cloth
PUCP-58 Cerro Laramie A Peru unknown
V-794 Chilca 12B-VII-1 Peru unknown
ET449 Jauranga PAP-150 Peru charcoal
Beta-203485 Quebrada Tacahuay Peru Charred material

Page 548 of 584 Results 5471 - 5480 of 5834

We are very grateful to Prof. Christopher Bronk Ramsey for his support in the installation of the date calibration system, based on the OxCal program.