- Sample Details
- Sample ID:
- UZ-1383
- Delta13 Correction:
- Age BP:
- 1860 ± 80
- Sitename:
- Jagüel II
- Country:
- Argentina
- Material:
- charcoal
- Sample Details:
- Provenience:
- excavation
- Context of the Sample:
- Level 2
- Description of the Site:
- Location Details
- Country:
- Argentina
- Administration Unit:
- Mendoza
- Latitude:
- -32.375808
- Longitude:
- -69.207018
- Altitude:
- 2450
- Project Details
- Collected:
- Project:
- Laboratory comment:
- Contamination:
- Archaeological comment:
- Publication date:
- 1998
- References:
- - Bárcena JR. 1998. Arqueología de Mendoza: las dataciones absolutas y sus alcances. Mendoza: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
- Marsh, E., Korpisaari, A., Puerto Mundt, S., Gasco, A., & Durán, V. 2021. Radiocarbon vs. Luminescence dating of archaeological ceramics in the Southern Andes: a review of paired dates, Bayesian models, and a pilot study. In: Radiocarbon 63(5): 1471-1501. doi:10.1017/RDC.2021.82 :